News : Robbie Williams:This is a charming man! |
Robbie Williams:This is a charming man! 2006.03.26. 14:09
Igaz hogy nem magyar, de Rob interj, s sztem aranyos Rob!
MTV News: In the "Rock DJ" video, you manage to take D'Angelo's escapade one step further.
Robbie Williams: Does he ever have clothes on? He only puts his clothes on if it's a necessity to the song. "Rock DJ" is basically me doing the ultimate striptease. I come up into this club and I can't get the DJ's attention. I decide to take all my clothes off, and she still ignores me. Then I take it one step further. Well, a whole heap of steps further, and then rip my skin off. And then my buttocks.
[Robbie's phone rings] That'll be my dealer. Can you tell them to piss off? I've paid! Pimpin' ain't easy these days. "Wasn't it Williams that said, 'Pimpin' ain't easy?'"
So, yeah. There you go. I take all my muscles off and throw them at women, and they pick it up and eat me. And then I get the DJ's attention! Huh? Stupid me! I don't know how to get people's attention!
MTV: Has everyone been playing it? I know in the U.K., there's been some trouble.
RW: Yeah, it's gotten the "controversial" stamp of approval, which I was looking for. Oh, and it's a clever "marketing plan" and, yes, it is all of those things, and it's worked very nice, thank you. People can't play it in many places in Europe, apart from where they kill bulls in rings. In Spain, for example, they can play the whole video. Are they playing it in America?
MTV: I've heard that they're gonna play the whole bit.
RW: That's why I like your country.
MTV: Is this you commenting on being treated like a piece of meat by the paparazzi?
RW: No, not really. I just have them killed these days. There is this special rule out now that [Prime Minister] Tony Blair's brought in, and I quite thank him for it: "Thou shall not kill, unless you are a celebrity and it's paparazzi," which is nice. I just mowed down a few of them with my nine last night. Just spreading people on the pavements. I'm quite enjoying myself.
MTV: How's "Sing When You're Winning" different from your past work?
RW: I don't know if I've gotten out of the other ones' sound. It's more of... something. It's definitely got something in there that it has more of, but then again, less of something else. And I'm not quite sure which it is. I think it's somewhere in the middle.
MTV: You're rapping on this record.
RW: Well, no, not really.
MTV: Kind of, sort of. Does that reflect anything you've been influenced by or listening to lately?
RW: It reflects that. I haven't been listening that well. "I'm gonna do a rap on this album. I'm gonna do a rap on this album." Mmm, I did one then. But, I thought it would be a lot easier than it was. I don't think that "Rock DJ," that's a rap. That's just carnage pieced together from '80s pap to make some 2000 pap. I don't know what that means. I've done a little bit of rapping, but I'm gonna do it properly someday when I grow up. [RealVideo]